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Sometimes he sits at your feet looking into your face with an expression so
gentle and caressing that the depth of his gaze startles you. Who can
believe that there is no soul behind those luminous eyes!
-Theophile Gautier
Few animals exhibit more maternal tenderness, or show a greater love for
their offspring, than the cat.  
It seems that when man has considered himself to be the master of all
things, the cat has been shunned and feared, being visible evidence that man
could not control everything. On the other hand, when man acknowledged the
power of unknown and mysterious forces, then the cat was respected and
accepted as an equal.  
He was sitting in front of the door. It is a known fact that if one sits
long enough in front of the door, doing the proper yoga exercises, the door
will open.  
The ideal of calm exists in a sitting cat.
-Jules Reynard
The cat has too much spirit to have no heart.  
Cats talk with their tails.  
The tail in cats is the principal organ of emotional expression.  
There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats.
-Albert Schweitzer
A morning kiss, a discreet touch of his nose landing somewhere on the middle
of my face. Because his long white whiskers tickled I began every day
What does it mean to love an animal, a pet, in my case a cat, in the fierce,
entire and unambivalent way that some of us do? I really want to know this.
Does the cat (did the cat) represent some person, a parent or a child? Some
part of one's self? I don't think so- and none of the words or phrases that
one uses for human connections sounds quite right: "crazy about," "really
liked," "very fond of"- none of those describes how I felt and still feel
about my cat.  
I would never wound a cat's feelings, no matter how downright aggressive I
might be to humans.  
For he purrs in thankfulness, when God tells him he's a good
-Christopher Smart
-Rev. W. Bingley
-H. L. Cooke
-May Sarton
-Ernest Menault
-Cleveland Amory
-Aldous Huxley
-Janet F. Faure
-Alice Adams
-A. L. Rowse
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